Love Is A Powerful Thing

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long-standing, and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it." At Rebel Nell, our love for Eleanor Roosevelt runs deep—she is our muse, guiding us in what we do and who we are. The "Nell" in our name is an homage to this incredible woman. Called Little Nell by her father, she was an outspoken and tenacious feminist and had she lived in the 21st century, we believe she would have been Rebel Nell.
Our focus is serving women who have barriers to employment; this includes those who have been faced with homelessness, returning citizens, refugees seeking asylum and awaiting citizenship, LGBTQIA, women living with mental illnesses, and women with physical disabilities. They are employed as creative designers and educated in jewelry design and customer service. 
We partner with our strategic partners like Teach. Empower. Achieve (T.E.A.) to create individualized support programs, including financial training, life wellness, legal aid, housing resources, career education, micro-loans, and other wrap-around programs. The result is a societal impact that allows women to graduate to a life of self-sufficiency and equitable opportunity.
We are deeply committed to making an impact in the community we love. We uphold our mission and our heartfelt belief in reducing systemic barriers to underserved communities of people. Women have always been held to a specific set of societal expectations and stereotypes. It is especially true for women who face barriers to traditional employment. We believe that by building a community—a sisterhood—we can liberate women from those societal expectations and uplift each other. 
We provide tools and resources for women to actualize their potential, build confidence, and become self-sufficient through creativity and connectedness. Through our jewelry, we create a community of women who share common values and work towards a common goal. We do this because we seek to encourage women to embrace their infinite strength and to define their own futures. Our jewelry serves as a reminder that there is power in being.