The Tea on Teach. Empower. Achieve.

The foundation of Rebel Nell is built on its mission to provide employment, equitable opportunity, and wraparound support for women with barriers to employment. As the company grew, it became clear that for Rebel Nell to best support the employment opportunities of these women, the support services that were so crucial to their success would need to be administered by their own entity—singularly focused on providing resources, coaching, and financial wellness.  

The brainchild of Rebel Nell co-founders Amy Peterson and Diana Roginson, Teach. Empower. Achieve. (T.E.A.) develops and implements programming, working with community partners to create and expand opportunities for this population of women so that they can build a pathway to self-sufficiency.

Today, T.E.A. has grown beyond providing services to Rebel Nell; now a workforce development organization that works closely with many organizations to develop strategic employment solutions. T.E.A. designs and implements programs and resources to bridge the gap between populations, primarily women, that need extra support and traditional job opportunities that may not be equipped to provide those services—creating a unique opportunity to empower program participants to take control of their lives better, building a solid foundation for success.

T.E.A.’s framework is built on four tiers of programming, each with individualized goals, resources, and support.


Tier 1: Personal Development & Assessment—activities consist of intake, assessment, and exposure to self-esteem-building group educational opportunities.

Tier 2: Job Development & Placement Services—participants are introduced to services that enhance their employability and specifically go through a series of training certification programs.

Tier 3: Financial Wellness—Financial topics are adjusted according to the identified needs of the individual receiving services and may include topics like banking, debt management, tax basics, investing, and landlord/tenant relationships. 

Tier 4: Wealth Building & Entrepreneurship—Each participant joins Money Relationships, a program accredited by the National Association of Social Workers. The one-day workshop encourages participants to examine their mindset and habits around money through interactive activities, group discussions, written reflections, and assignments.


T.E.A. helps organizations build upon traditional diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to help develop opportunities that genuinely seek to include more historically overlooked talent pools, creating a workforce for everyone.